Welcome to the newly designed Fotorocket 2.0 ... I hope you dig the new look.
I took a hiatus from photography (and blogging) for a year, mostly because I had a very stressful job in photographic reproduction. Long hours spent on printing and marketing the work of professional photographers left me with very little spare time and I lost the desire to work on my own stuff. I moved on to a new gig in broadcast television last summer, and got reacquainted with my camera kit soon thereafter.
I decided to relaunch this blog as an online portfolio and photojournal, but I will also be introducing you to other work from some of my favourite photographers around the world. I won't bore you with technical chatter - there's already plenty of photogeek blogs that deliver better advice than I ever could. I simply hope to offer a daily dose of awesome for people who like pretty pictures.
I spent several hours last weekend recovering and reorganizing all my image files, having lost everything two weeks ago in a tragic motherboard disaster. I realized that I take a
lot of pictures of trees. I don't do it on purpose - sometimes they deserve it because they look all gnarly and cool, but sometimes they're just standing there, hogging the spotlight from my intended subject, making the image twice as good.
Niagara Falls, Canada |
Allinges, France |
Lac Leman, Yvoire, France |
Toronto, Canada |
near Martigny, Switzerland |
The Dolly Parton trees of Château d'Allinges, France |
Lac Montriond, Morzine, France